iPhone and iPod touch users currently have to slide-in and enter a password(if enabled) in order to unlock the device. But now you can also unlock your favorite gadget just like the way you do on an Android phone like Droid and Nexus One. For the latter, you have to connect 9 dots in some custom specified way to unlock your phone.
AndroidLock for iPhone: iPhone 3GS on left, Nexus One on right.
AndroidLock is a new app which has just been released on Cydia and Rock and it brings this Android style unlocking to iPhone and iPod touch. It will convert your iPhone lockscreen into an Android 2.1 Styled one as found on Droid and Nexus One. You will have to join the dots in the customized pattern which you have set in order to unlock the device.
You will need to have a jailbroken iPhone to in order to install AndroidLock. Follow the instructions posted here to first jailbreak your iPhone (if you haven’t already) and then install it.
AndroidLock is available on Cydia for free in Zmaster and the BigBoss repository. If you have these repos installed, simply search for “AndroidLock” in Cydia and install it. After installing the app, go to Settings -> AndroidLock, to set the pattern. It requires 4 or more dots to be used. Disable your iPhone lockscreen password set if you don’t want to be asked for entering pass code twice.
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